Boost Your Business Productivity by 500% | Learn to Create A Group Flow State and Enter the Zone of Creativity
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Business plays a huge role in our society. Not only that it takes most people’s time but it also helps to create opportunities and technological advancements that can help make our lives better. Business gives thinkers and dreamers, like you, to turn their visions into reality.
Did you know? You can work 1 day-a-week and still be as productive as working 5-days a week.
According to a 10-year study conducted by McKinsey & Co on elite business executives, theoretically, you can. Moreover, your business can also increase about 500% in producibility.
The secret?
A flow state inducing work environment.
In other words, bringing your whole team into the flow state. Having each individual doing their own tasks while keeping in mind that they are part of a unified team with clear goals.
So what is the flow state?
Flow is described as the optimal state of consciousness where a person is fully immersed in a razor-sharp focus while performing an activity. This concept was first coined by Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1975 and is often referred to as ‘the zone’.
The Limp of a Business
An average worker spends less than 5% of his/her day being in flow. If the employees of a business can increase their workflow about 15%-20%, the productivity of the business can surely have a boost.
But how?
How can your business enter flow state to improve the efficiency of your workplace? Use these 3 triggers to hack into Flow State in Business. Check out these complete lists of 17 Flow Triggers, read here.
1. Social Risk
The Flow state in business allows you to focus and to take risks. And by taking risks, I meant to have or do some experimentation on your business.
As Steven Kotler once said,
“In Silicon Valley, the idea is to fail fast or fail forward. If you’re not giving employees space to fail, you’re not giving them space to risk.”
So try to speak up in your meetings. Share your creative ideas or speak the truth even if it feels uncomfortable.
2. Novelty and Complexity in Your Workplace
The main idea is to break traditions and useless routines in business. Everything around us can trigger flow; novelty, unpredictability, and complexity.
Googleplex, for instance, is a workspace designed to arouse creativity and encourage social interaction with the employees from different departments. This type of environment creates flow innovation and creativity.
3. Utilize Your Senses
Our senses play a major role in our lives. We learn to survive our daily struggles, thanks to our senses. Our vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste provide essential information about our environment. One way to trigger flow is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a crucial skill in business. Meditation practices can make you calm your mind, relax your body, boost resilience, and even increase situational awareness.
Entering the Flow state in business is something we cannot do with just a snap of a finger. First and foremost, we ain’t Thanos. Flow requires consistent training. Bringing your workplace into flow will surely make a huge impact business.
“Buddhists advise us to “act always as if the future of the universe depended on what you did while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference.” This serious playfulness makes it possible to be both engaged and carefree at the same time.” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning
To lead a flow state in business, you must first be in flow yourself. You must know it well and lead from it.
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