The 4 Phases of Flow State for Athletes: How to Tap Into Peak Performance

April Ablon
3 min readFeb 27, 2023

As an athlete, have you ever felt in the zone, completely focused, and lost track of time? This state is known as the flow state or “the zone.” Flow state has been described as a feeling of “complete absorption in what one is doing.” (Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1990) This type of focus can lead to improved performance and productivity. According to recent research, there are four cycles that athletes go through during the flow state. Understanding these cycles can help athletes optimize their performance and achieve peak levels of performance more often. Keep reading to learn more about the four cycles of flow state!


The Struggle Phase is the first of the four cycles of the Flow State. This phase can be challenging as it is characterized by effort, focus, and concentration to move toward your desired outcome. The physical and mental resources you dedicate during this phase are often necessary to achieve a breakthrough moment. You must maintain an attitude of determined perseverance while trusting that progress will come with consistent effort. This period can also encourage problem solving, innovation, and creative solutions that have the potential to provide meaningful results for tremendous growth.


Although flow is an intense experience, it needs to be balanced with the release phase. This phase is an important part of understanding and refining the creative process. The release phase allows for relaxation and natural calming, helping to reduce stress and promote a feeling of serenity. It helps get rid of feelings irrelevant to creativity, allowing for greater focus on how that creative process has been modified by the flow. With the release phase secured, it allows for the preparation of further cycles of flow as necessary.


Flow is a superhuman experience when inspiration takes over and the mind and body release a series of performance-enhancing neurochemicals called the FANTASTIC 5. These 5 neurotransmitters and hormones are responsible for concentration, feeling good, cognitive alertness, Serotonin as the mood balancer, and Anandamide which means ‘bliss’. In flow, our muscle reaction speeds up, pattern recognition and lateral thinking are up, and we are feeling super positive, creative, and focused and our perception of pain has dramatically changed. Transient Hypofrontality occurs when our prefrontal cortex temporarily shuts down, and the brain is at the border of the Alpha and Theta Zone with 8 Hz or the border between the conscious and subconscious mind. An Instant Flow Meditation can help get into this Flow State Phase and release the Performance Enhancing Chemicals (Fantastic 5) now.


The recovery Phase is the fourth and final cycle in the Flow State process. It’s aptly named because this phase is all about rebuilding energy levels, reflecting on experiences, and identifying areas of improvement to ensure the highest level of success when repeating the cycle. During the Recovery Phase, it’s important to take some time for yourself — go for a walk or read a book, spend time with loved ones — whatever works best to restore and replenish your mental and emotional energy. After the revitalizing opportunity that comes with the Recovery Phase, you’ll be ready to begin Cycle 1 of Flow State all over again.

In conclusion, the 4 Cycles of Flow State provide us with a greater understanding of productivity and creativity. This information can be applied to all areas of life for both personal growth and success in the workplace. If you are feeling stuck or unmotivated, recognizing each phase will help you get back on track and remain in a flow state. Understanding that struggle is normal and part of the process can help you embrace the process instead of avoiding it. Lastly, practicing self-care by taking breaks and giving yourself space during recovery phases is essential to avoid burnout. With this knowledge in hand, you can use the power of flow state to maximize your potential!

The 4 Cycles of Flow Infographic

